Take What You Need

This past Summer, a cluster of rocks was set up (by a local yogi?) at the greenway that I like to run. Shortly after this person’s contribution, more of these stone settings cropped up.

On a particularly hot and sweaty day, my confidence flagging, I stopped and picked one up. My choice, Endurance.


I’m not a huge believer in the power of rocks for things, but saw this one as simply a symbol of what I was/am struggling to achieve and what I desired to keep in mind.

I held fast to that rock, remaining cognizant of what I truly want…to complete a marathon by the time I reach 40.

I still have that rock and I swear I will return it one day… Its just that that little rock serves as a powerful reminder to me of the journey I am on and the other “Endurance” challenges I am faced with along the way.

Work has been crazy-difficult these past few months, so that reminder of Endurance still holds fast every day with me.

Marathons aren’t run on a sprint…and neither is Life. We take each one step at a time.

I guess that is what this little rock is trying to teach me. I guess I will take each one step at a time and see what I can learn.

What facet do you need most in your life? Which rock would you choose?


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